Privacy Policy



Privacy notice – Applicants


You have a legal right to be informed about how the Together Trust uses any personal information that we hold about you. To fulfil this, we provide a ‘privacy notice’.

Personal information is any information that relates to you that can be used directly or indirectly to identify you. This includes information such as your name, date of birth and address as well as financial details. This may also include sensitive personal information, such as your religion or medical details, photos and video recordings.

This notice explains how we collect, store, and use personal data about our job applicants.

Who we are

The Together Trust is a charity that offers care, support and special education to children, adults and families.


The Together Trust of Together Trust Centre, Schools Hill, Cheadle, SK8 1JE is the Data Controller for information provided by you when you apply to one of its vacancies. The Controller decides how and why we use your personal data and consequently is responsible for keeping your information secure.


Tribepad of The Innovation Centre, 217 Portobello, Sheffield. S1 4DP is the Data Processor. They process personal data on behalf of the controller under the controller’s instructions.

Information which you provide on the Tribepad website is held by them on their systems. Please see their privacy policy for further details. Tribepad share this information with us in order to facilitate recruitment.


The personal data we may request from Tribepad:

Personal information that we may process about you includes, but is not restricted to:


  • Name, address, Date of birth, marital status, civil partnerships, gender identification, nationality, contact details, approximate geographic location
  • contact and emergency contact details including email address and IP address
  • National insurance number
  • information needed for equal opportunities monitoring policy.
  • records relating to your education and training, such as certificates and educational awards
  • CV/Work history.
  • Job preferences including role, geographical areas and salary
  • References
  • Bank details
  • Any other work-related information you provide


Most of the information we hold will have been provided to us from you, in some cases external sources, such as third-party employment agencies or online recruitment agencies.


Special Categories of Data

We also ask you to provide information about you that falls into "special categories" of personal data. This refers to information, which is more sensitive to you and therefore needs greater protection from us.

This includes data such as:

  • racial or ethnic origin;
  • religious or philosophical beliefs;
  • health data including whether you consider yourself to have a disability.
  • sexual orientation
  • offences (alleged and actual), criminal proceedings, outcomes and sentences


This is collected as part of our commitment to equal opportunities monitoring. This information is anonymous and held separately from your application. Information provided on the self-declaration form will be shared with staff that are directly involved in your recruitment process should you be offered an interview. We only collect and process this information with your explicit consent, and you are not obliged to provide this information to the us if you do not want to.


Our legal basis for using this data


We only collect and use your personal data when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we process it where:

  • We have obtained consent to use it in a certain way
  • We need to comply with a legal obligation (i.e. ensuring you are legally permitted to work for us)
  • We have a legitimate reason (i.e. to enable us to run the business and manage our relationship with you effectively, lawfully and appropriately, during the recruitment process, whilst you are working for us, at the time when your employment ends and after you have left.

Where we have obtained consent to use your personal data this consent can be withdrawn by you at any time. We will make this clear when we ask for consent and explain how consent can be withdrawn.


Our basis for using special category data

For ‘special category’ data (more sensitive personal information), we only collect and use it when we have both a lawful basis, as set out above, and one of the following conditions for processing as set out in data protection law:

  • We have obtained your explicit consent to use your information in a certain way
  • direction of a professional obliged to confidentiality under law
  • We have obligations under law e.g. employment legislation
  • We need to assess your working capacity on health grounds


Collecting this information

While the majority of information we collect about you is mandatory, there is some information that can be provided voluntarily with consent.

Whenever we seek to collect information, we make it clear whether providing it is required or optional. If it is required, we will explain the possible consequences of not providing it to us.


How we store this data

We hold information we collect about you for different periods of time depending on the data:

  • If you are unsuccessful in relation to a vacancy, the information contained within your application and any accompany documents are kept for 6 months after we receive these.
  • If you are invited to an interview and you are unsuccessful, any notes or accompanying documents are retained for 6 months after your final interview.
  • If you are offered a role, any documentation or data obtained as part of your application/interview will be transferred to create a permanent HR file. During recruitment checks, further information about the data we collect, how long it is stored, and why it is processed will be issued to you.


You can request our full retention schedule by contacting our Data Protection Officer.


How do we keep your personal data secure?

We will take specific steps (as required by applicable data protection laws) to protect your personal data from unlawful or unauthorised processing and accidental loss, destruction or damage.

We have access to your information through Tribepad. Only authorised staff for that vacancy have access to your information and use it for recruitment purposes. This information is not held by us on our own servers unless you have been offered a job.

Tribepad has various measures in place in order to ensure that your data is secure.  In order to keep the data held secure, Tribepad has an Information Security Management System (ISMS) in place, which is certified to ISO 27001 accreditation. Tribepad also only uses a limited number of third parties and only works with proven quality suppliers, and any third parties that Tribepad uses, such as data centres, must be a minimum of Tier-Three and ISO27001 certificated. Further information can be found here.


Transferring data

Data is only transferred between Tribepad and The Together Trust to facilitate recruitment processing. Data is not transferred to any other third parties without your consent.


All data is held within the EEA, within compliant UK data centres.  


Individual’s rights regarding personal data

You have a right to make a request to see the personal information that we hold about you. This is called a ‘subject access request’.


Someone else can access this on your behalf if you give permission or we believe it is in your best interests for your information to be accessed by your parent/carer.

If we do hold information we will:

  • Give you a description of it
  • Tell you why we are holding and using it, and how long we will keep it for
  • Explain where we got it from, if not from you
  • Tell you who it has been, or will be, shared with
  • Give you a copy of the information


You also have the right for their personal information to be passed electronically to

other organisations in certain circumstances.

Other rights

You also have other rights regarding how your personal data is used and kept safe. This includes the right to:

  • Say that you don’t want your personal information to be used
  • Stop it being used to send you marketing materials
  • Say that you don’t want it to be used for automated decisions (decisions made by a computer or machine, rather than by a person)
  • In certain circumstances, have inaccurate personal data corrected, deleted or destroyed, or restrict processing
  • Make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office or claim compensation if the data protection rules are broken and this harms you in some way

The Together Trust has produced a guide ‘Know you rights’ to explain these in more detail. To exercise any of these rights please contact our Data Protection Officer.



We take any complaints about our collection and use of your personal information very seriously.

If you think that our collection or use of your personal information is unfair, misleading or inappropriate, or have any other concern, please raise this with us in the first instance by contacting our Data Protection Officer.

You can also make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office:

  • Report a concern online at
  • Call 0303 123 1113
  • Or write to: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF


Contact us

If you have any questions or would like more information about anything mentioned in this privacy notice, please contact our Data Protection Officer: